The SWPBS (School Wide Positive Behaviour Support) terminology will change in 2015 to PBL (Positive Behaviour for Learning)
At Harristown State School, we demonstrate:
- Respect
- Responsibility
- Learning
- Safety
Harristown State School has recently become a SWPBS school.
School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) is a framework that provides schools with a means to improve upon academic and behaviour outcomes based upon the collection of data and the teaching of behaviour specific lessons.
SWPBS requires a team approach and it is crucial that ALL staff are actively implementing SWPBS policies and procedures. In this way it can be assured that the maximum effect is being achieved. To assist in the administration of SWPBS a team consisting of teachers and teacher aides meet on a monthly basis.
The SWPBS team consists of:
Chairperson: responsible for chairing meetings
School Leader: the principal
Minute taker: responsible for all minutes and correspondence
Timekeeper: responsible for ensuring team stays on time and on topic
Data manager: collects, collates and presents data for analysis
Internal Coach: offers assistance to other team members and staff. Responsible for communication with external coach and regional co-ordinators
Team Member: a team member with no specific assigned tasks
All staff are welcome and encouraged to attend meetings. The SWPBS team also has a parent representative on the team.
In SWPBS there are three tiers of support. They are:
1. Universal support: Primary Prevention which exists in School/Classroom with wide systems for all Students, Staff, & Settings. Students at this level require minimal behaviour intervention to function at school.
2. Targeted Support: Secondary Prevention is a specialised group of systems for students with At-Risk Behaviour. Students at this level require some behaviour intervention to function at school.
3. Intensive Support: Tertiary Prevention is specialized and individualized systems for students with Chronic High Risk Behaviour. Students at this level require significant behaviour intervention to function at school.
Responsible Behaviour Plan (1.66 MB) outlines the proactive and reactive measures taken to ensure a safe and supportive school environment for students.
Many strategies are used by our school to provide appropriate consequences for unacceptable student behaviour. The use of school disciplinary absences - suspensions, exclusions and cancellations of enrolment - are consequences used after consideration has been given to all other responses.
If you cannot download the document/s linked from this page, please contact us and we will provide a copy via the school office.